


次の英文の [ 9 ] ~ [ 14 ] に入る最も適当な語を①~⑥のうちから選びなさい。

       The American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG)* is alarmed to see a societal resurgence* of groups rejecting the value of genetic diversity and using discredited or distorted genetic concepts to bolster* of genetics to feed racist ideologies. bogus* claims of white supremacy. ASHG denounces* this [  9  ] of genetics to feed racist ideologies. In public dialog, our research community should be clear about genetic knowledge related to ancestry and genomic diversity.
       Through its support for research at the leading [  10  ] of human genetics, ASHG will continue to advance scientific knowledge and debunk* genetics-based arguments promoting racial supremacy. ASHG also encourages all society members to be active as [  11  ] in political, policy, and social advocacy organizations that reflect their values. This is a perfect complement to their scientific contributions to this debate through ASHG.
       ASHG will continue to foster dialog in the field on the impact, value, and implications of diversity and ancestry within the research agenda*, including through ASHG’s primary forums for scientific [  12  ] and discussion: The American Journal of Human Genetics and the ASHG Annual Meeting. Recognizing that the invocation* of genetics to promote racist ideologies is one of many [  13  ] causing racism to persist, ASHG will focus in the public arena on contributing new fundamental [  14  ] to the societal dialog about ancestry.

出典 : “ASHG Denounces Attempts to Link Genetics and Racial Supremacy.“(外部リンク)
ASHG PERSPECTIVE ONLINE NOW. October 19,2018 より一部抜粋。

The American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG) アメリカ人類遺伝学会

resurgence 復活
bolster 支持する
bogus 偽の
denounces 非難する
debunk 偽りであることを証明する
research agenda 研究課題
invocation 引き合いに出すこと

① citizens
② debate
③ edge
④ factors
⑤ knowledge
⑥ misuse

» (答え)

  9:⑥ misuse
10:③ edge
11:① citizens
12:② debate
13:④ factors
14:⑤ knowledge

» 閉じる
