


      According to Japanese law, you cannot get a driver’s license until you are 18 years old. In some countries, however, it is possible to get a driver’s license when you are 16 years old. Do you think it would be a good idea or a bad idea for Japan to change the current law in order to allow 16-year-olds to drive? Write your answer in 80 to 120 words in English. Be sure to give three reasons to support your answer.

» (解答例)


【①否定意見】I think it is not good idea to change the current law and permit 16-years-olds to drive a car. I have three reasons for this. First of all, the change would increase traffic accidents. However, if a 16-year-old should cause a traffic accident, he or she will not be capable of taking full legal responsibility for it. Second, the law change would widen the gap between the rich and poor families. Third, this would result in a severe shortage of parking around railroad stations and schools. For these reasons, I think the law change would worsen the problems our society are trying to cope with. [106 words]

【②肯定意見】I think it would be a good idea to change the current law and permit 16-years-olds to drive a car. I have three reasons for this. Firstly, the law change would help high school students living in rural areas commute because a lot of local railroad lines have been abandoned there. Secondly, the earlier people learn to drive, the more proficient they will become. As a result, their driving skills would not decline even in old age. Thirdly, the law change would encourage the government to revise the whole traffic regulations,which would improve traffic problems in our country. In conclusion, I bet the law change will shed light on the traffic problems and help us cope with them. [120 words]






外国の法律や文化、習慣の違いについて自分の意見を述べさせるという、よくある問題設定です。文字数制限はそこまで厳しくないですが、「Be sure to give three reasons to support your answer.」とあるので、理由を挙げて論理的に補強できているかをちゃんとチェックしましょう。因みに、16-year-olds は「16歳の人々」の意味です。

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