“brute force” の語源(The word origin of “brute force”)


 “brute force” の語源

“brute force”「ブルートフォース」という言葉は、1736年頃に使われ始めた言葉で、「無理やり」や「力ずく」といった意味があります。この言葉は、人間と動物の違いを表現するために使われていました。人間は考えることができるが、動物にはそのような能力がないと考えられていたため、「brute」(無理やり)という言葉が使われたのです。「force」は力や強さを意味しています。



 The word origin of “brute force”

The term “brute force” has its roots in the early 18th century, specifically around 1736, where it is used to denote something “irrational, purely material,” referring to the distinguishing difference between humans and beasts based on rationality​1​. The term “brute” in this context implies a lack of finesse or subtlety, and is associated with being uncultured, stupid, or groveling. “Brutal” on the other hand, is related to cruelty or lack of feeling.

The term “force” has been used since around the 1300s to denote “physical strength” and is derived from Old French “force,” which stood for strength, courage, violence, power, etc. The Latin root of the word is “fortis,” which means strong or mighty​2​.

Combining these two, “brute force” denotes a method that relies on raw power, effort, or strength in large amounts rather than more efficient, carefully planned, or precisely directed methods​3​. In modern usage, especially in the context of computing, brute force refers to straightforward, exhaustive methods of solving problems, including brute force search, brute force attacks in cryptography, and proof by exhaustion in mathematics​4​.


    1. Etymology, origin and meaning of brute by etymonline. (n.d.). Retrieved from etymonline.com
    2. Brute-force Definition & Meaning – Merriam-Webster. (n.d.). Retrieved from merriam-webster.com
    3. Etymology, origin and meaning of force by etymonline. (n.d.). Retrieved from etymonline.com
    4. Brute force – Wikipedia. (n.d.). Retrieved from en.wikipedia.org
